
I've been seeing cardinals on walks. Red is my favorite color. It feels like a sweet gift from the universe.

Remembering that I am not entitled to anyone's attention, and remembering to do my part. Ship it, send it, make the ask. And if there's silence in return, know that it is a gift.

It's 85 degrees on December 30th. Sometimes I wonder what it's like to live in a seasonal place. I think I would appreciate the reminder that I am also cyclical.

Whatever is natural and resonant to me needn't be second-guessed. This incarnation does not want to be verbose. May every word have that much more impact.

I give myself a lot of grace and love with my renewed epiphanies: THIS is the thing... okay no THIS is the thing... no no THIS is the thing for sure. But I do think this is the thing for real this time.

She told me she thought I was the cutest guy at the party. I have an ongoing dialogue with myself around vanity and ego, ways and means. I think an open secret is an especially interesting stable state for any information, perhaps the most interesting.

My standards for myself are the highest they've been, but there is vanishingly little self-imposed worry or criticism. The resistance thoughts are always worse than the doing. I show up and I do it with detachment.

I've enjoyed hearing myself tell people that The Service Party was a highlight of my year. I can view myself with as much curiosity as anyone. What will he say and do next?

My consumption fuels my creation. Everything I see and hear is a resource for me to sift through. In this way I live in a state of creative abundance.

Japa meditation really does go crazy. I just sit and say "God" as a drawn out syllable and my arms lift up of their own accord. That is a meaningful phenomenon!

My theme for 2024 was blossoming. I created a lot, I planted seeds and helped them grow, I let myself be seen. I'm glad I put my focus there.

My theme for 2025 is sovereignty. To me this is a deep internal security that is independent of my circumstances, it's responsibility and self-authorship and empowerment, it's an awareness that I am the ultimate authority of my life. I know who I am better than anyone else, so I trust that being myself as best as I can serves the highest good.

Things I made:

I have one extra copy of Pronoia to give away from this giveaway I did a few months ago. If you want it and you have a U.S. mailing address I will send it to you.​

Happy New Year! May 2025 bear witness to the gifts that only you can give and to the music in you.

Thank you for reading! You can share this post with this link. If you want to support my work, you can check out my 1-1 coaching service or explore my website.


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