In Praise of Mystery

The world would have you think that mystery is in short supply. Look at how we've conquered nature and outer space and our own minds. But there's so much mystery, maybe too much to comprehend.

I particularly appreciate art that dances with mystery. L O S T did it until the end, Sleep No More does it (RIP), Omega Mystery School did it. Every story has an element of mystery - what's gonna happen? Wonder, surprise, revelation. It's a beautiful process that masterful artists know exactly how to construct.

The mysteries of fiction help me better enjoy the mysteries that belong to the future. I view the future with less anxiety and more excitement when I see it as a story that's unfolding, both the broad sweeping arcs of history we step through day by day as well as my own personal future. The latter is especially exciting because I'm a coauthor. I write my own future in collaboration with the world around me. I get to surprise myself.

Staying present helps me enjoy the mystery of my life. What is there right now for me to notice, appreciate, enjoy? Being in the past or the future are often irrelevant or pointless. But now, right now, there's always something to explore.

Lots of accomplished people got that way by indulging in mysteries that matched their personal interests. What lyrics and sounds can be strung together in a pleasant way? Why do people respond to this better than that? Does this problem have a business solution?

Oh, to revel in life's you-shaped mysteries! What are your you-shaped mysteries? Do you know? Are you exploring them or do you not care? What if there's a beautiful journey waiting for you as soon as you decide to dance with the mystery?

Listen to the whispers and see the hidden details in your environment. Let mystery draw you in and take you as far as you want to go together. What you pay attention to is your guide. Trust it to lead, and be grateful for your unique fascinations and your unique expression in the world.

Things I made:

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