If I had seven lifetimes: I would think and write for a lifetime. Writing is one of humanity's greatest traditions, the distillation of weeks and months and years of exploring and questioning and observing into transmissions that others can receive in mere minutes or hours. I love how every writer is so themselves, they can't hide from their unique voice. The written word provides inspiration to act on one's whispers of intuition, to view their own circumstances a little differently. Words are portals into the lives of other people, glimpses into ways of living that are foreign to one's own natural rhythms and behaviors. I love understanding myself better by noticing which writers' creations do and don't resonate with me, and I want to serve others by writing. I would contemplate and create art for a lifetime. We're in an artistic golden age where the tools and processes and mentors are more accessible than they've ever been. Audiovisual creations are hyper-efficient transmitters of emotions, refined alchemy. I love how art is so universally enjoyed that it sneaks its way into even the most sterile and dreary environments. The imperfect translation of a vision, the impulsive and elusive muse arriving to bless the disciplined, the faithful, the inspired. Art makes me feel connected to humanity, both when I experience it and when I make it, and I want to serve others by making art. I would move and exercise my body for a lifetime. Moving the body in ways that feel natural and enjoyable to the individual is one of life's great joys, and it's available to everyone. The body yearns for nature. It wants to stretch and sweat and challenge its limits. It wants to receive nourishment, feel satiated, rest thoroughly. The mind's criticisms and anxieties can interfere with these natural inclinations of the body; meeting these pleas with love and gratitude helps shift the mind and body from enemies to allies. There's truly no rush to taking care of one's body, and I want to serve others by helping them take care of theirs. I would play and makes games for a lifetime. Games for vehicles for connection and creativity. I love games that are dense with aha moments, the discovery of new possibilities, the unveiling of previously hidden pathways, the glorious catharsis of defeating enemies. I don't see gameplay as a distraction from living one's life. To the contrary, games are expressions of humanity. Life and games are sequences of interesting choices. To write off one is to write off the other. Games offer me comfort and peace and inspiration and thrill and satisfaction, and I want to serve others by making games. I would talk and listen to others for a lifetime. Understanding people is one of the great joys of my life. Discovering a new way in which I don't understand someone is wonderful as well. The infinite spectrum of people in the world is beautiful to me, even those people who I can't stand, even those who seem to act against all that is right and good in the world - they, too, are beautiful. Every conversation is a universe unto itself, limited only by its participants. Listening, reflecting, and asking questions are love languages, and I want to serve others by having conversations with them. I would support men for a lifetime. I am so fortunate to feel fully resourced, empowered, and sovereign in this lifetime as a man, and I know that men are struggling to connect and find meaning and love, to reach a state of self-authorship that is their birthright. Everyone has a collection of wisdom centers throughout their body that offer guidance to those who know how to listen, how to be still, and how to receive. I have found a lot of fulfillment in understanding better and better how to navigate this world, my communities, my relationships as a man, and I want to serve other men by guiding them towards their own sovereignty. I would empower women for a lifetime. I have observed that a lack of a sense of safety can get in the way of women doing what is best for them. A woman who feels safe is better able to express and uphold boundaries and to pursue whatever calls to her. There is emotional work to be done: courageously revisiting moments when a woman abandoned herself in order to placate someone else, channeling and releasing the corresponding emotions. I have an inexpressible amount of gratitude for every woman who has helped me in some way, and I want to serve women by helping them claim the life they want to live. Things I made:
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I've been seeing cardinals on walks. Red is my favorite color. It feels like a sweet gift from the universe. Remembering that I am not entitled to anyone's attention, and remembering to do my part. Ship it, send it, make the ask. And if there's silence in return, know that it is a gift. It's 85 degrees on December 30th. Sometimes I wonder what it's like to live in a seasonal place. I think I would appreciate the reminder that I am also cyclical. Whatever is natural and resonant to me needn't...
The question I want to explore here is: How can I analyze my inner and outer circumstances in a way that benefits the reader? That is the north star. I noticed that I didn't feel particularly good after my Sacred Eros page went live a few days ago. Why not? I'm doing an expansive thing! I'm putting myself out there! I'm following my intuition! This is good! The reason is that I have a lot of resistance around marketing myself, around letting myself be seen. This has been true for Masculine...
Joseph Kosuth, One and Three Chairs I live for the moments when I realize that what I thought was true was in fact a story in my head. This had previously happened for me with love. I'd put love on a pedestal, saw it as this Big Serious Thing, Very Serious. And so I'd gatekept it from myself. I'd thought that if I didn't feel a Big Serious Feeling, then it wasn't love. But then I relaxed about it and understood that love is simply a state of being. It's in my thoughts and my words and my...